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August 2024 Grape Post Newsletter

In this issue...

Feature: LAEP Registration is open!



Federal Appropriations Update

B.C. Canada Winegrape Shipment Export Update


Education & Events
Register for LAEP Today!

West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force Launches New Website Hub

Be Confident, Be Compliant: TTB & WSLCB Webinar Wrap-Up

Field Days: Optimizing and Use of Sprayers in the Vineyard Wrap-Up


Sustainable WA
Meet the Sustainable WA Grower: Elizabeth Keyser of Rocky Pond Estate Winery


2024 Crop Estimate Sent to Members!

Latino Ag Education Program Registration is Open!

Registration for the Latino Ag Education Program is OPEN for the 2024-2025 session! Levels 1 and 3 are being offered at Yakima Valley College's Grandview Campus, 8am - 5pm every Friday from November 8, 2024, to March 21, 2025. This program is designed to help Spanish-speaking vineyard workers expand their skills in every aspect of vineyard work and leadership.

Federal Appropriations Update

Learn more about what Congress will be working on when they're back in Washington DC on September 9th, including avoiding a potential government shutdown and further work on the Farm Bill.

B.C. Canada Winegrape Export Update

The prolonged and severe cold snap in British Columbia, Canada, this winter has proven devastating to the BC winegrape supply. The B.C. Provincial regulations are allowing temporary relief to allow B.C. wineries to import winegrapes, and the Washington wine community stands ready to supply winegrapes through cross-border shipment. Learn more about recent updates!

West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force Launches New Website Hub

The West Coast Smoke Exposure Task Force officially launched their new website, which serves as a centralized digital hub for the research and resources generated by the task force. Learn more about the WCSETF and visit the website to learn how to address and mitigate smoke exposure issues in the vineyard.

Be Confident, Be Compliant: TTB & WSLCB Webinar Wrap-Up

WA Winegrowers, in partnership with the Washington Wine Institute, recently hosted a successful two-part educational webinar series featuring experts from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB).

This series was designed specifically for Washington wineries to provide direct access to regulatory experts who broke down top compliance issues, making lawful operations easier to understand and implement. The webinars also included a review of recently implemented policies, offering valuable insights into the current regulatory landscape.

We extend our sincere thanks to the Washington Wine Institute for their collaboration in making this informative and well-attended event possible, and to Marsh McLennan Agency for their sponsorship!

Field Days: Optimizing and Use of Sprayers in the Vineyard Wrap-Up

On August 6th, 2024, WA Winegrowers partnered with Tsillan Cellars to host a Field Day event, focused on optimizing the use of sprayers in vineyards. Sponsored by Gear Mapper and led by Gwen Hoheisel from Washington State University, the event attracted vineyard managers and other industry leaders that were eager to enhance sprayer efficiency, reduce costs, and improve their fruit quality.


Spraying represents one of the highest pre-harvested costs for vineyards, and poor practices can lead to increased disease and insect pressure, compromising the fruit. Attendees were guided through essential techniques in sprayer calibration and optimization and introduced to best management practices for advancing technologies like rate controllers, intelligent sprayers, and other adaptations.


This hands-on event provided attendees the tools and knowledge needed to make informed decisions and maintain the quality of their harvests, ensuring a more successful and efficient spraying process.

Meet the Sustainable WA Grower: Elizabeth Keyser of Rocky Pond Estate Winery

Meet Elizabeth Keyser of Rocky Pond Estate Winery, and hear what sustainability means to her and why Sustainable WA certification is so integral to Rocky Pond's strategy to connect with a new generation of consumers.

2024 Crop Estimate Sent to Members!

The 2024 Crop Estimate and Suggested Pricing List was sent to 2024 WA Winegrowers members in August! This information is exceedingly helpful for growers and vintners in planning for the year and highly valuable, meaning it's ultra-confidential! To gain access, become a member today and log into your WA Winegrowers Info Hub for this information.

Upcoming Events

LAAEP: Latino Ag Education Program

Yakima Valley College, Grandview Campus

Fridays, November 8, 2024 - March 21, 2025


In partnership with Yakima Valley College and Wenatchee Valley College


WineVit® 2025

Three Rivers Convention Center, Kennewick, WA

February 10-12, 2025



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